So, here is just a bit of the “Scarlet Thread” of Christ in these special days (Resurrection Sunday) surrounding God’s redemptive plan:
Palm Sunday – Jesus rode into Jerusalem in time for “Lamb Selection Day,” the 10th day of Nissan at the beginning of Pesach (Passover week).
Pesach is the celebration of Israel’s deliverance from Egypt…deliverance from bondage, the “passing over” of the Angel of Death, and the freedom of God’s people to walk forward by faith.
After the lamb was selected, it was taken into the home, inspected, and cared for by the family until it was sacrificed for their redemption.
The Lord’s Supper – The third cup of the Pesach Seder meal is called the “cup of Redemption.” This part of the Seder is what Christian’s call “The Lord’s Supper.”
Good Friday – The Passover lambs were slain.
Christ was the perfect Lamb of God offered to take away the sin of the world.
On the side of the temple was an opening. The priests used water to wash out all the blood. It was like a flowing river. When they pierced Jesus’ side, water & blood poured out also.
Easter – Feast of First Fruits celebrates “a promise to come.”
It is the Resurrection of His Life. Jesus rose from the dead the day after the Sabbath to become the first fruit of a new creation life. (I Cor. 15:23, John 12:23)
Pentecost – Shavuot is the celebration of the harvest 50 days (7 weeks after Passover). It is also the celebration of the giving of the Law of Moses. And THIS is the day the Holy Spirit was sent…when His indwelling Life was given to believers, so that the law would be fulfilled in Christ alone.